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Do You Crave Sugar?


Sugar wreaks havoc on the digestive system, endocrine system, metabolism and can cause weight gain.

Do you know how dangerous sugar can be, when abused? But, how do we avoid it!?


You want to get off sugar, but you are not sure how!


You deserve to have more energy, less brain fog, less mystery illnesses, which can all be prevented by putting an END TO SUGAR ADDICTION.


The 10-Day Sugar Detox and Balancing Blood Sugar has omnivore and vegetarian recipe options.


This is a super easy to use program!!  


Do any of these apply to you...

  • A busy mom who feels overwhelmed
  • Frequently struggling with gut issues or upset stomach 
  • Unexplained weight gain


FACT: “A typical 20 ounce bottle of soda contains about 16 teaspoons of sugar from High Fructose Corn Syrup.” –


The 10-Day Sugar Detox and Blood Sugar Repair Program was created to help people like you out of the yo-yo diets, stress-induced eating, and sugar binges for a lasting, healthy, clean-eating lifestyle.


Here is what you will get with the program:

  • 10-Day Sugar Detox Guide- to help you kick those sugar cravings and get back your health
  • Affirmations for Destroying Cravings- changing the way you eat is not just about taking foods out of your house, it is about changing the way you think about food and your mindset around it. This handout will help you reframe your thinking and make this a habit that will stick
  • Balancing Blood Sugar – worried about balancing out your blood sugar when going sugar free? Worry no more – you are covered with this complete list of supplements you can use to keep everything in balance
  • Food Diary – a beautiful document made to help you keep track of how you are feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally, throughout your program
  • Recipe Guide – packed with 40+ irresistible low sugar recipes that taste amazing, are easy to make and won’t leave you feeling deprived
  • Sugar Addiction Checklist – Not sure how deep your sugar addiction runs? Go through this simple checklist and get a clear picture of what has been going on inside your body!
  • 10 Day of Suggested Meals and Pantry List – Not sure how to plan out your meals? These simply laid out suggestions will help you stay on track and take the guesswork out of meal prep during your entire program and keep you from wandering the aisles of temptation at the grocery store without a plan


You will also receive support emails from Doctor BeneFIT throughout your Sugar Detox Journey!!


Kick your sugar addiction with the 10-Day Sugar Detox and Blood Sugar Balance Program!!!

Sign up today for only $47!!!


Additional Information

Due to the online structure of the program, refunds are not provided.


Immediately, after program purchase, you will receive a folder with all program material. 

10-Day Sugar Cleanse

  • After online payment is received, a confirmation email will be sent to you containing a link to download the product documents. Please make sure you save all documents, as the link is only valid for 30 days. 

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